Friday, February 8, 2013

More Parker-isms

I sing "The Grand old Duke of York" with the motions for Cecily, both kids love it.  When Parker wants me to do it again, we have this conversation:
Parker: Dunga doo, dunga doo
Mama: Dunga du dunga du.
Parker: No Mama, not dugga-doo, Dunga-DOO!
Is not working ... is better now.
Which has recently evolved to "is not working very well"
Jack & candle, Jack & Candle!
(...jack jumped over the candle stick)
It's true
The conversation goes like this:
Parker: Mama, what kids doing?
Mama: I don't know Parker, what are the kids doing?
Parker: Playing basketball
Mama: Are the kids playing basketball?
Parker: It's true.
Probably so
Similar conversation as above, but contextually accurate.  ...and probably is pronounced prah-bee.

I miss my sister
Parker & I were having dinner, just the two of us, since Keith was working & Cecily was sleeping and he said this.  He repeated it several times over the evening (and later days) and it's the cutest thing ever.  At least, until I realized that he's quoting a Sleep Country/Foster Kids commercial.
I missed you!
He says this to Keith most days when he gets home from work.  I don't believe that this one is stolen from a commercial.
Mama, where <insert family member's name> go?
I probably spend over an hour a day telling Parker that Daddy, Uncle Doug, & Auntie Kelly are at work, Kyla, Piper, & Fona are at school, Wesley is at home, etc.  We usually hit every member of the extended family several times in each conversation.

This one's self-explanatory, but I have no idea where it came from.


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