Friday, April 13, 2012

Sewing for baby(s)

Between the nausea, fatigue, and 19-month-old, I haven't had much time or energy for sewing.  But, over the past few months, I have completed a few projects.

For Parker:

One more changing pad cover.  We started with three, but at some point, one of them went into hiding, so we really needed a spare.

I've also made Parker several more blankies, currently he has three, with two more cut out, just waiting on the ribbon.  The plan is to make enough that we never have to worry if we lose one.

For baby sister:

I'm especially proud of these diaper clutches, they turned out way cuter than I'd even imagined.

There's even a label holder on the back, so I can put her name on it, instead of putting a sticker on every time we put her in the nursery.  I'll make the label if & when we ever come up with her name.

And for my friend from high school, who is having a baby this spring:

I always feel a little self-conscious giving home-made gifts, since if you don't like it, too bad.  But, these are pretty generic, so hopefully they'll go over well.

I got the pattern for the diaper clutches here, everything else, I pretty much made up myself.


  1. What a marvelous seamstress you are! The diaper clutches (esp. the black/white patterns) are so cute. That's an impressive amount of items in your "finished" box.
