Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter brought around one busy weekend!  We spent Saturday morning getting ready for Easter Lunch, and Saturday afternoon at church preparing for the Easter service.  This is one of the down-falls of having Church-in-a-gym, you have to build the church every week.  Fortunately, for Easter, we were able to set-up Saturday afternoon (unfortunately, it was the most beautiful afternoon of the year so far, but it was worth it).  Then I was back at the crack-of-dawn (at least it felt that way) to get the coffee started & all the food out.  We had a huge turn-out and a great Easter Sunday!

If you have a minute, check out our new Welcome video here, we LOVE being a part of this community!

After the service, they had an Easter Egg hunt out on the football field beside the church.  Last year we skipped it, we weren't interested in having Parker crawl through the mud in the freezing cold & rain.  This year it was beautiful!

They had three hunts, one for the toddlers, one for the pre-schoolers, and one for the elementary schoolers.  Or, at least, that was the plan.  Once they opened the gates, all-out chaos ensued.

Parker didn't really catch-on to what was happening at first.  We were trying to get him to find the "balls", but there was a little too much going on.

But, eventually, he started to get the picture.  Of course, by that time, all the toddler eggs were gone, so we joined the pre-schooler hunt.

And, before you know it, Parker had turned into a greedy-egg-hoarder, just like all the other kids.

Of course, he has no idea that they contain candy, he just thinks they are balls.  And that's what he will continue to think.

This is Parker's new friend Zoey.  Zoey is about a month younger than Parker.

After all the eggs were gone, Parker spied some dandelions on the far side of the field and had to check them out, just to be sure there weren't more "balls" over there.  Keith had to lure him back by holding an egg in front of him and walking back to the field.

Not too bad for our boy's first egg hunt.

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