Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Parker's Birthday Gift

For Christmas, we gave Parker a teething ring.  It's lame, I know, so for his birthday, we wanted to do something better, while still keeping expectations low for future years.  (Kid's gift expectations seem to grow exponentially, so if you're not sufficiently small in the early years they'll be wanting a new car when they're 12).

So, I made him a book, actually two.

Parker's very favorite book is just a board book with pictures of other babies on it.  If he loves that book so much, how much would he love a book of his friends and family?

I'm not sure I'd realized what sort of project I'd embarked off on when I started.

I printed all the pages off onto photo paper, mostly because the pictures are super sharp that way, but also because I have a gigantic box of paper that my Mom gave me probably 10 years ago.

The photo paper turned out really great prints (or as good as our "free" printer could manage), but the paper is THICK, making creating & trimming the books quite an ordeal.

Not until I was half-way through the 2nd book did it occur to me that they probably sell photo-sticker paper, which would have saved me many, many nap-times of spray-adhesive and x-acto knife drama.  But at least this way, the whole project was made with thrift-store or on-hand materials (at least until I ran out of spray-adhesive).

Although I love crafting, I'm not really creative or gifted at it, so as a general rule, most of my projects turn out "meh, good enough".  It's infrequent that a project exceeds my expectations, but these books turned out awesome!  They're still not perfect, but I'm really happy with how they worked.
We'll just have to wait & see how they survive Parker's "loving" of them.  Toddlers do have a special gift for destruction.

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