Friday, December 18, 2009
Cookie Decorating Party!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Life as we know it will never be the same
I haven't actually kept count, but in the past year, I think I've taken about 8 home-pregnancy tests. Every last one has been negative, to the point that I was starting to wonder if maybe the test was the problem, not just me. But no, here we go, my very first positive home pregnancy test! (We're going to ignore the fact that this is my second actual's a long story).
Failing the tests has become somewhat of a habit, just an interesting way to spend a Saturday morning every few weeks. So imagine my surprise and delight to see the picture above staring me in the face. I gasped for air and went streaking down the hall (figuratively, not literally) to tell Keith. I've never really been one of those people who cries when they're happy. As a general rule I reserve tears for truly unhappy moments (like when the sale of your house falls through, for instance). But there's no denying the tears in my eyes this particular morning. Finally, we've got a little bean growing to help us fill up all these empty rooms in our big, new house. We are both so excited I think we might just come apart at the seams. Now we just have to wait FOREVER before we can tell anyone. Patience has never been my strong suit...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Our furniture has arrived!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Achey-breakey Christmas
And our room is beautifully decorated (even if it is only one room). I think Keith likes it, this way he can go into any other room in the house if he needs a break from the Christmas-ness. But just give me a few years to increase my supplies...
Notice the blue painter's tape by Brian's feet. That's so we don't stub our toes on our invisible furniture. Eventually (theoretically), our visible furniture will come, but for now we're stuck with the invisible stuff. But, not to worry, they have assured us that it will all be here by Christmas. But then, they said something similar about Thanksgiving, so I'm not so sure I believe them anymore.
Thanksgiving was a roaring success. The turkey was moist and flavorful, the company was fun, and dinner was on the table at 2:00 on the dot (not bad for my first Thanksgiving dinner). I even made home-made bread and my own flower arrangements. I'm becoming so domestic, pretty soon I'll be washing my own dishes (okay, probably not).
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Three years later...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Home Improvement
With Thanksgiving several days away, I was short on time and patience, so I was hoping to be able to do the whole thing with a pair of scissors and stitch-witchery. Keeping in-mind that I was also in the middle of making mini-quiche for Thanksgiving, I worked on the project in 20 minute increments. I only have one mini muffin tin, so I would make one batch of quiches, throw them in the oven, then run downstairs to work on the tablecloth, run upstairs, take out the quiches, cool the pan, and start the process all over again. Looking back, it really is shocking that this wasn't super successful. So, I tried several options, each so much worse than the last, that I never even made it to the stitch-witchery part. About three hours in, after countless trips up and down the stairs, with burlap bits attached to every surface I've touched and permanently wound into my clothing, I threw my hands in the air and admitted defeat. So, here is the "completed" project:
And as an aside, today I made 12 dozen mini quiches. In my industry, we call this a gross...seems kind of appropriate at this point.
Here we go...
Another thing keeping me back from a blog is that I was waiting to come up with a creative handle/name for my blog. Clearly I've given up on that idea. But my meanderings is probably a fairly accurate description, since I can barely keep a train of thought through a complete sentence, I think it's unlikely there will be much continuity between posts, but that too we shall soon find out.
Although I'm not really planning to send this blog to anyone (except maybe Rachel who finally convinced me to do it), I'm still planning to write to you, my dear imaginary reader, as though you truly existed. Because, really, if I wanted to truly write to No ONE, I could do it on paper and not monopolize the computer so much (and I could sit on something more comfortable than this orange ball we have at the desk). So, welcome to the journey, who knows where it will end, but it should be an adventure...