Sunday, November 22, 2009


We're hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year. We're really excited to have everyone over to our new house, although, since our table hasn't arrived yet, I'm not sure where they're going to sit (more on that some other time). Anyway, today I realized that we don't have any sort of table cloth or center piece to put on either table (the one we have or the one that isn't coming in-time). So I had the brilliant idea to make a table runner this afternoon. I made a trip to the craft store (my second this weekend) and bought some burlap and fabric to try my hand at being creative.


With Thanksgiving several days away, I was short on time and patience, so I was hoping to be able to do the whole thing with a pair of scissors and stitch-witchery. Keeping in-mind that I was also in the middle of making mini-quiche for Thanksgiving, I worked on the project in 20 minute increments. I only have one mini muffin tin, so I would make one batch of quiches, throw them in the oven, then run downstairs to work on the tablecloth, run upstairs, take out the quiches, cool the pan, and start the process all over again. Looking back, it really is shocking that this wasn't super successful. So, I tried several options, each so much worse than the last, that I never even made it to the stitch-witchery part. About three hours in, after countless trips up and down the stairs, with burlap bits attached to every surface I've touched and permanently wound into my clothing, I threw my hands in the air and admitted defeat. So, here is the "completed" project:

And as an aside, today I made 12 dozen mini quiches. In my industry, we call this a gross...seems kind of appropriate at this point.

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