Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Parker has recently become a more picky eater.  Or, more accurately, Parker has recently become aware that he has the ability to be a more picky eater.

Don't get me wrong, he's still a fantastic eater and I'm not at all complaining, but...  At dinnertime, when he's especially tired, Parker is known to sit and squawk whenever we're feeding him anything other than berries & cheese.  He will, however, continue to eat anything and everything you spoon into his mouth.

One of his special tricks is to pick-up the veggies and drop them on the floor so he can get past them to his berries.  Not my favorite trick.

So, this evening, in an attempt to get him to eat a few veggies, I was giving him yogurt interspersed with spoon-fulls of veggies.  Attempting to cut out the middle man (myself), I started dunking his broccoli in the yogurt & putting it on his tray.  I've seen this work on other kids with Ranch Dressing, but with Parker, yogurt worked like a charm.  So, for dinner tonight, Parker had yogurt-covered broccoli, yogurt-covered beets, and yogurt-covered carrots.

Personally, I don't know that unsweetened yogurt is really such an improvement over plain veggies, but who am I to disagree with a 10-month-old?

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