Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day!

We had a pretty packed schedule for Mother's Day: we were in childcare at church, lunch with Dad, and then I saw a play in the evening.  So, we didn't really have time for any "official" Mother's Day activities, which was fine with me, I was happy to hang out with my kiddos and not be expected to cook anything.

Before lunch, the kids made Mother's Day cards for Kathy.  They both drew pictures of us all swimming in Mexico, can you guess their favorite Kathy memory?

Cecily's had a little flap you could flip up or down:

We didn't really plan a Mother's Day dinner, but I've been craving charcuterie, so I sent Keith to Central Market for meats & cheese...and get some sushi too while you're there.  Sushi & stinky cheese make a surprisingly good combo.  This was an amazing spread, and I think we now have a new Mother's day tradition.

Parker has been begging for sushi for a while now, both kids actually liked it!

Then Katie & I went to see "Love Never Dies", it's the sequel to "the Phantom of the Opera".  It was...weird.  (Take Phantom, add Cats, and you get Love Never Dies, suppose we shouldn't have been surprised by it.)  I didn't care for it much, but Katie & Jessica liked it pretty well.  We were at least able to move up to significantly better seats at intermission to sit with Jessica & Todd (so we could see the weirdness up-close).

1 comment:

  1. We left Love Never Dies at intermission. It was not worth the late hour...or the price of parking!
