Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Swanson's Santa

It's not Christmas with 14,000 trips to Swanson's to see the reindeer and trains.  This year, they have a special yurt for Santa photos, but if you time it right, you get there when Santa's just hanging out by the trains.  On this visit, Santa had his doggie with him.

I think Fiona was more excited about the dog than Santa.

It took Parker a while to work up the courage to be in the same breathing space as the dog, but he really wanted to talk to Santa.

Santa decided Mama needed a photo too (it's out of focus, Parker took the photo)

Then, on to the "Christmas tree maze"

It's not actually a maze, but it's where the hay maze is in the fall and it's the same concept, so it works.   The bulk of my photos are like this:

So, you can tell the kids loved it.

As we were leaving, I was handing out the candy canes Santa had given them.  One was broken, so I told them that broken candy canes are the sweetest. Soon they were competing to see who's was the most broken.
Everyone once in a while I get a win.

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