Sunday, July 19, 2015

KHS Class of 1995

My high school class was never really known for being, well...organized, or proactive.  So, it came as no surprise to anyone, that for our 20-year reunion, rather than actually planning anything, we just co-opted the Annual Alumni BBQ at Kings and had our reunion there.

...all 7 of us

To be fair, this was thrown together pretty last minute, and apparently we'll be having something later in the fall.  I actually never knew there was an Alumni BBQ, although, judging by everyone else there, I think it was mostly for the Class of '65 and earlier.  We (and our families) brought the average age down by several decades.

But, it turned out to be a super fun afternoon.
The weather was sweltering, but they had a bouncy house and the kids had a BLAST.

We got there pretty much when it started, and the 7 of us from my class were just about the last to leave.  We had a great time catching up while our kiddos went crazy in the bouncy house.

They also had a balloon guy there making swords and crowns for all the kids.

We took a tour of the High School building, as well as the new STEM building.  The high school building is notably older and smaller than I remember, but the STEM building was amazing and kind of had me wondering how we could manage to send our kids there for school.  (Or, more accurately, wondering how I could get a job at Kings so we could afford to send our kids there)

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