Friday, December 27, 2013

2013 Christmas Card

Finally got the last two Christmas Cards in the mail today.  Better late than never, right?  For anyone we missed, our annual Christmas Letter:

Merry Christmas from the Kruger family!

So, I believe that the traditional method of writing a Christmas letter is to first review last year’s letter to see how much has changed over the year.  I haven’t bothered to look up last year’s letter, but I can tell you that 2012 could have been summed up as “We had a baby, she cries a lot, I think she hates us.”  Fortunately, sometime in mid-December of last year we discovered the miracle that is baby-Zantac and over night Cecily changed from a super-cranky baby who cries all the time to a fairly-cranky baby who cries 80% of the time.  When I write it out like this, it doesn't sound too impressive, but it was a major break-through in this house.  Since then, Cecily has slowly, but steadily, evolved into a happy little girl.  She continues to be the polar opposite of her big brother; in all the ways that Parker is cuddly and easy-going, Cecily is feisty & independent.  When she is happy, her face nearly breaks in two with her smile; when she is not happy, you can hear her screaming across town, and she’s been known to switch between the two with lightening speed.  Cecily started walking in October and she has not looked back; once she figured out the basic mechanics of it, she was determined to walk, no manner how many face-plants that required.  This girl is a teeny-tiny firecracker and I am equal parts excited and terrified to see how she turns out as a bigger kid.

Parker turned three this August, he continues to be a fairly easy-going little guy, although he seems to have embraced the “tantruming-threes” with both arms.  We had a rough month or two this summer where Parker gave up binky and taking naps in the same day, replacing both with screaming & tears. But he seems to have calmed down a little now and most of the time he’s pretty happy (as long as you’re okay with him wearing his jammies 24/7, which it turns out, I am).  Parker loves being a big brother, he loves helping take care of Cecily and kissing her boo-boos when she falls down (often because he pushed her, but she knocks herself over frequently enough as well).  His most frustrating moments are when little-miss-independent refuses to play with him, so I’m working on teaching him the fine art of playing hard-to-get.  Because of our schedule this year, we haven’t signed Parker up for PreSchool this year, but he is extremely eager for school, so we might start him up in January…if his Mama ever gets around to looking into it.  For now, he loves playing with his friends at MOPS and church several days a week. He has turned into a little chatter-box, it can take him a few minutes to warm up to a new situation, but after that he is non-stop jabber-jabber.

Keith continues to work at the same engineering firm downtown.  His job has been evolving away from actual engineering to more management, and he’s learning to appreciate the change. Keith’s company has weathered the rough economy over the past few years well and they continue to be busy with more work on the horizon.  Fortunately, Keith has found a pretty good balance of working the long hours while still being home for dinner and playtime with the kids most nights, for which I am extremely thankful. Parker has become obsessed with all things construction, so Keith has taken him to a few of his construction sites, which is pretty fun for both of them.  Keith continues to ride his bike, but in the few years we’ve been living in Shoreline, he’s become more of a fair-weather rider; once you stop riding in the rain, it’s pretty hard to go back, and I’m okay with that. Parker & Keith love their Saturday afternoon bike rides together, and now Cecily is starting to get in on it as well.

I continue to stay home with the kiddos.  Some days I love it, some days I question my sanity, and most days are some combination of the two.  The past two years have been rough with a sick pregnancy and then a very colicky baby, but Cecily has settled into a more manageable temper and I really enjoy being home with my two little ones.  This September, I took over the Coordinator role for our MOPS group at church.  I’ve enjoyed working with my team and it’s a nice outlet for my control-freak nature, since the kids allow very little of this at home. I haven’t had much time for crafting this year, it seems like one or the other child is demanding my attention at all times.  But, I got a serger for Christmas last year, and 6 months later, I finally figured out how to make the blasted thing work, so I have great hopes for more sewing projects…eventually (like after they go off to college, maybe).  Although, at the moment I’d be happy for four straight hours of sleep. I do enjoy taking way too many photos of our kids, and if by some miracle, you’re not already bored of hearing our family updates this far in the letter, there’s always more on our blog:

This summer, we convinced our families to all head down to Sunriver, Oregon for a week of vacation.  We had Keith’s entire family plus my parents & Jared; all told we had 11 adults & 5 kids.  We had a great time swimming, riding our bikes, and going out for ice cream.  In the week we were there, Parker went from terrified of the water to splashing around all by himself, with just the life jacket holding him.  We had great meals, fun times with the family, and little-to-no sleep…the sign of a proper family vacation, right?

In family news, both sets of Grandparents have sold their respective houses this year and moved to within miles of each other in Mill Creek.  It has been SO great to have Keith’s folks closer by to help watch the kids (they both love to visit Grandma). I expected to be more emotional about my parents moving out of my childhood home, but it turns out that the hassle of moving is enough to kill any sentimentality I might have had for the house (and I only helped a few days, I’m pretty sure my Dad will be happy to never see the place again!).

We hope that this letter finds you well with prayers for a Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year!

With love from the Krugers:
Keith, Julie, Parker, & Cecily

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