Monday, September 16, 2013

"I'm three right now"

That's Parker's response when you ask him how old he is. "I'm three right now", like he might possibly be 8 tomorrow, but for now, he's three.
It is quickly becoming apparent that Parker as a three-year-old is going to be significantly harder than Parker as a two-year-old.  I blame all of it on his refusal to nap, but either way, he has over-night become defiant, angry, and disobedient.  It's going to be a fun year...

He does love his baby sister, who loves to be pushed or pulled in anything that moves.  Cecily, however, does not appreciate Parker's version of red-light green-light, which involves waiting for an unreasonable amount of red lights.

Parker is still obsessed with chopping trees down, he can turn just about anything into a saw.  And almost anything can be a tree too.

He is also currently obsessed with names, we spend many hours a day discussing the names of me and our immediate family.  If you ask him his name, he will say: "Kruger, Scott, Parker!!"

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