Friday, September 27, 2013

Craft Projects

I am not creative, pretty much in general, but especially when it comes to ways to entertain my little ones.  But I'm trying...  Some of our latest projects:
Throw the pom poms:
I bought a big bag of pom poms when we made our first set of sock puppets.  These little babies are worth their weight in gold.  Cecily & Parker love them; they throw them, they pick them up, they throw them again, they shove them down the hole in the slide, they climb under the slide to get them back.  Hours (well, maybe minutes) of endless entertainment.  Best purchase ever.

Unrelated note: Cecily's finally big enough to fit into my very favorite outfit of Parker's.  Sure, it's kind of manly, but how cute, right?  She just looks so cozy.

Playing with flour:

I tried this a LONG time ago, and it went over okay, but nothing exciting.  This time, he had a great time.  He made hand prints in the flour, wrote his name, and moved it back & forth across the cookie sheet.

Un-directed craft time:

Every once in a while, these two play together peacefully, and it is the nicest 8 minutes of my day.  Sure, they, the playroom, and (somehow) Daddy, were covered in glitter glue by the end of it, but they had a great time.

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