Sunday, November 18, 2012


Parker has adopted my old Gund bear (I got him at FAO Schwarz when I went to NY in Jr High with Girlchoir).  Bear has become Parker's baby.
Parker changes his diapers:

We need the actual changing table for when Bear is poopy.

He carries him around the house.  (for the record, this is NOT how I carry Cecily around the house)

And he feeds him "hot dogs" from Parker's kitchen.

Bear also has tummy time, and gets wrapped up for naptime.

...and a kiss goodnight.

Bear has also been known to sleep in the swing, and Parker fed him apple slices the other day.


  1. Awesome! You need to make him a mini-Moby or sling so he can bear-wear!

    1. I'm just waiting for him to start breastfeeding bear. Keith is not cool with that.
