Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Best. Purchase. Ever.

Parker came down with a cold this weekend (I'm blaming our stint in the nursery at MOPS).  I know we've been lucky to make it this far without any colds, but I think we made up for it Sunday night.  Parker managed to cry the entire night.  He'd wake up screaming, we'd feed him or rock him to sleep, put him down, and he'd stay asleep just long enough for me to climb back into bed, and he'd wake up and start the whole process over again.  The only sleep he got the entire night was 1 1/2 hours between 2 & 4 when we gave up & brought him to bed with us.

Unfortunately, the only trick that's usually a sure-fire way to get him to fall & stay asleep (his bouncy seat) kicked the bucket a few weeks ago.  If there had been a Babies 'R Us open ANYWHERE at 2am, I totally would have been there.  As it was, Monday morning I bundled my sick little baby into the car in the search for a new bouncy seat.  Now, I understand that bouncy seats are mostly for small infants, and Parker will have outgrown this thing by next week, but it was totally worth it.  I know that we'll probably use it about three times, making our cost-per-use insanely high, but we would have paid any amount of money to give our little guy a little relief.

Ironically, this is pretty much the only baby-gear that we've bought new for Parker (our car-seat/stroller was a gift).  Everything else is borrowed or bought used, but with less than two hours of sleep and a sick baby, I wasn't interested in driving around town for the best deal.

...and it worked like a charm.  I'm convinced that Parker started feeling better the instant it was assembled.  This thing was worth every penny.

Parker is now feeling much better, he's just a little sniffley, and he's actually started sleeping 4-5 hours at a time, so maybe something good came out of this whole ordeal.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you. Any purchase that gets a sick kid to sleep is worth every penny! We usually just brought them into bed with us.
