Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We love Binky!

If you haven't caught on yet, Parker loves his Binky.  As long as it's around, he'll pretty much sit quietly through anything.

So, we have to be sure we take it with us wherever we go.  And since we're not so fond of picking Binky up off the floor, we need to keep Binky clipped to whatever Parker is wearing.

We originally had a Winnie the Pooh clip that we received from Denise when Wesley decided that fingers were preferable to binkies.  The problem with the clip was that it was a giant plastic figure, attached with an itty-bitty clip.  Now, no offence to Winnie the Pooh (or Denise), but I didn't really appreciate the way he was always jabbing my son in the face, neck, or chest whenever we used it.

So, I decided to make my own.  Parker & I walked down to JoAnn Fabrics & got all the stuff.  I was hoping for bicycle-themed ribbon, but no surprise here, they didn't have any, so we settled for turtles.  The clips were sold as a set, with a piece of black or white elastic holding them together, just like we used to use with our dresses back in Jr High.  The funniest part of the clip was that they were titled "Fashion Dress Clips", um... I think they are a few decades behind if they think those clips are still fashion.
So now Parker has two new Binky-leashes that are significantly lower profile, and don't attack him in the car seat.

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