And our room is beautifully decorated (even if it is only one room). I think Keith likes it, this way he can go into any other room in the house if he needs a break from the Christmas-ness. But just give me a few years to increase my supplies...
Notice the blue painter's tape by Brian's feet. That's so we don't stub our toes on our invisible furniture. Eventually (theoretically), our visible furniture will come, but for now we're stuck with the invisible stuff. But, not to worry, they have assured us that it will all be here by Christmas. But then, they said something similar about Thanksgiving, so I'm not so sure I believe them anymore.
Thanksgiving was a roaring success. The turkey was moist and flavorful, the company was fun, and dinner was on the table at 2:00 on the dot (not bad for my first Thanksgiving dinner). I even made home-made bread and my own flower arrangements. I'm becoming so domestic, pretty soon I'll be washing my own dishes (okay, probably not).