Saturday, September 10, 2016

Adventure Day

Before school started, I read this Jen Hatmaker quote about how the first Friday of school is a nightmare and whatever you do, don't try to take your kids out to dinner, or to some sort of celebratory event, just stay home and watch a movie and everyone will get out of it alive.

Well...  I listened and we stayed home Friday night, but then went WAY overboard on the plans for Saturday.  One of the Architects that Keith works with was doing a photo shoot at an Elementary School that just opened and Keith worked on.  They were looking for Elementary-aged kids to act as props in the photos.  I thought the kids would love it and be fun, so we went.

The kids did have fun (eventually) but they absolutely refused to be photographed.

But it is a really cool school.  They have this pump to show the kids how water flows and where it goes.

The water feature isn't completely done yet, so instead of spilling over the edge into the lower level, it just pooled by the "waterfall" so the kids were DETERMINED to make it go over.  They never succeeded, but I think there were quite a few muddy little boys heading home.

Once we had lunch and then went to play outside, the kids had warmed up to the idea, Cecily even managed to make friends with the other fanciest-dressed little girl there.

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