Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Cecily's rough weekend

Saturday afternoon, we took the kids out on a "date".  Parker & I went out for coffee and a trip to the beach and Keith & Cecily went out for coffee and then went to the park.  When they were at the park, Cecily caught her foot on the slide and hurt her leg.  She was pretty sad all evening, but we figured it was just a sprain and she went to bed fine.

By Sunday, she couldn't really put any weight on her foot and she was pretty upset.  Being a Dr's kid, we never go to the Doctor, but my friend Joy suggested that we take her to Children's Urgent Care, just to be on the safe side.  So, Keith & Cecily headed off to Children's.  Six hours later, they finally returned home:

She'd broken her tibia.

I guess it's so common of an injury they call it a "toddler fracture", she was the second one they'd seen that weekend.

She's doing remarkably well, considering.  Right now she's in a temporary cast and I'll take her in on Friday to get a hard cast, which she'll have to wear for about 4 weeks.  She's already starting to figure out how to get around with just two hands and one foot, although there is still a fair amount of "Mama, pick me up!"

In a semi-related story; I've been thinking about buying a toddler-carrier (like an Ergo for babies) for a while, since Cecily loves being carried around in the Ergo, but she's getting way too big for it.  In a random impulse last week, I decided to just go ahead & order one.  It came yesterday, amazingly perfect timing considering how I'll be carrying this little one around a whole lot over the next few weeks.

Even Daddy tried it out. 

On the plus side:
Parker is being the sweetest big brother ever, taking great care of Cecily and bringing her books and toys to play with and letting me know whenever she needs me.  He keeps telling me "Mama, it's my job to keep an eye on Cecily!"
Cecily was a total trooper the whole time she & Keith were at the Urgent Care, cuddling patiently with Keith while they waited and waited and waited.
Cecily is also sleeping way better than normal, since she can't get out of bed (over & over again), she's falling asleep well over an  hour faster than she has been.

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