Friday, March 6, 2015

Cecily's new cast

Cecily & I went down to Children's on Friday afternoon to get her new cast put on.

She was a trooper and all the nurses & doctors were impressed with her eloquence.

No surprise, she picked a purple cast because "purp-o is my fave-it color"

Then we went to the junction for a doughnut.  Or more accurately, we went to the junction to eat the frosting off a doughnut.

She's doing great and learning how to get around on her own.  The Dr. said that she can walk on the cast whenever she wants to.  She hasn't tried it out yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time before she's hobbling around.  I am a little concerned about the state of my hardwoods with her whacking that thing around at the moment!

So far she doesn't love it when I pull pants on over her cast, so she's been wearing a lot of dresses and showing off her diaper a lot.

We go back in two weeks to have the cast off and get her leg x-rayed.  Assuming it's healed at that point, we'll be done.  Kids have an amazing ability to heal.

1 comment:

  1. Two weeks? Wow! That is impressive. I recall yours was on longer than that - and we got yelled at when we told you to walk on yours. I'd say times have changed for the better. :)
