Monday, December 1, 2014

Parker's Artwork

I'm starting a new series, titled "Parker's Artwork" where I'll highlight some of the great works of art by our budding artist.
Doesn't that make it sound more elegant than "I can't keep all this stuff forever so I'll memorialize it here on the blog"

He made this ceramic pumpkin in art class and then they glazed it another day.

This one is an actual pumpkin they picked out in the field (the pre-school field, not an actual pumpkin field - super authentic) and painted, and (as he'll remind you every time) someone else put the glitter on.

More of his fall collection:

He's brought several fish home from preschool, they must have been learning something about fish or something, not that he'd ever tell me anything about what he's learning!

This painting is from the beginning of the year.  You'll notice he's using "boy colors", his favorite color currently is "boy colors", which is pretty much anything but pink & purple.

This one is from last year.  Ignore the big white tumor in the middle of his head, we spilled something on it over the summer.

This counting pumpkin managed to loose most of his pumpkin seeds on the trip home, the #'s were accurate when I saw it the first time.

This little guy is from last year as well, Easter, one would assume, again, not that he's told me anything.  Every day I pick Parker up from school and we have this conversation:
Me: How was school Parker?
Parker: Good
Me: What did you do?
Parker: Play
Me: What was your favorite part?
Parker: Snack

...great, sounds like money well spent.  (Although, we all know that we really send him to Preschool so Mama can have a few hours to herself)

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