Thursday, February 6, 2014

Cecily is 18 Months!

Can you believe it!?!
Cecily is turning out to be such a fun little girl.  She is constant attitude with absolute opinions on everything.  We're looking forward to when she has a few more words so we can know what exactly she wants, at the moment her "asking" for things involves a lot of screaming & shaking her head "no".
But she is learning new words every day, her favorite is "Daddy", but she knows: more, doggie, ball, beep beep (which she says as she's backing up, like a truck), and lots more.  She knows all the sounds for animals and LOVES to talk about kitties and say "away" when the birdies outside fly away from the birdfeeder.  It's amazing to see how much she understands when you talk to her.
When you give her food & tell her it's hot, she turns & blows on it to cool it off, just about the cutest thing ever.
She loves the dog, often walking over to the sleeping Darcy & showing us where his "eye" is, Darcy is not so excited about being woken up by a toddler jabbing her finger in his eye and saying "eye, eye".
Cecily also loves her big brother, following after him and watching whatever he's doing.  Well, except for when Parker WANTS her to follow him, at which point she flat-out refuses to be in the same room as him.

She's been walking for about 5 months now, so she's pretty steady on her feet, but she still seems to have days where gravity is winning the battle.
Cecily's hair is continuing to grow (as hair is known to do), she still manages to have her top-knot pony tail most days, but it's just a matter of time before her hair is too long.  As it is, when we don't pull her hair back you can barely see her eyes!

The whole family has been sick for the past few weeks, but sickness aside, Cecily has been sleeping pretty well.  She occasionally wakes up in the middle of the night, but usually if I ignore her for a few minutes, she'll settle herself & go back to sleep.

We go in for her 18-month check-up next week, so we'll see how she's growing at that point, however we've been to the Dr several times already this year, so I expect she'll be around 20lbs, 6oz, as my guess.  She's eating a ton and a generally happy girl, so I'm not concerned.

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