Wednesday, October 26, 2011

14 Months!

Our baby boy is 14 months old!  I can't believe he's getting so big!

Parker had his first slumber party at Grandma's house this past weekend.  He did great, I'm pretty sure that Mama & Daddy missed him more than he missed us.  Although...

I don't know if it was the slumber-party or that he's teething, but Parker's been a lot more clingy lately.  He's started crying whenever I put him down.  I always tell him, "don't worry, Mamas always come back", and he's started looking at me with a look that clearly says, "Well, that's what you say, but you completely forgot about me on Saturday, good thing Grandma was there or I would have been stuck!"  But give him a few more days and he'll be asking to go back!

Parker has recently started kissing us on the lips, it is the cutest thing ever!  Don't get too close or he'll give you a big smooch!

Some of Parker's favorite things right now: pretty much any sort of food, tearing apart Velcro, putting things in & taking things out (of anything), reading books, chasing after Daddy (or Darcy), clapping, anything he can put in his mouth, pull books and/or shoes off the shelves.

Parker is in SUCH a fun, happy phase right now.  He's also become more cuddly; when he's playing, every once in a while, he'll crawl over to my lap, rest his head on my chest for a minute, then crawl off back to playing.  Sweetest thing ever!

Some other fun facts about Parker right now:
He's sleeping 11-13 hours EVERY night, it's awesome!
He will answer nearly every question with "Yeah!"
Parker has recently learned to wipe his own hands & face at the end of a meal.  It's not something I taught him, he picked it up on his own.  He doesn't do such a great job, but what he's lacking in cleanliness he's making up for in vigor.  It's so cute, especially how proud he is of himself each time.
I think he weighs about 20-ish pounds now, but nearly every time we are out in public, someone asks me "how old, 7 or 8 months?"  So I guess he's not as big as I think.
Parker loves to talk to himself in the car, he talked nearly the entire way to Puyallup on Saturday.

We are so lucky to have this little dude!

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