Monday, September 2, 2019

We got a dog!

We've signed up to be dog fosters in the hopes that we'll eventually find the right dog for our family.

Our first dog was Nicholas, he came from a shelter in San Bernadino in California.  We called him Nico, since Nicholas was a lot of name for such a tiny dog.

For the first few days, you have to let the dog decompress, so he spent most of his time in the crate.  This is easier said than done with two (or three) very excited children.

Cecily was determined to make friends with Nico, fortunately, he was SUPER mellow and was willing to go along with pretty much whatever.

After a few days, we realized that Nico had an infection, so he had to go to the vet and spent the next week wearing the cone of shame.  He was not such a fan, but it did help him heal.

Cecily is determined to be Nico's favorite, so she created a "puppy paradise" in her bedroom.

He perked up a lot once the infection was cleared up and we could take the cone off.

He liked to help me with my Pilates.

Saying goodbye...

Amazingly, Nico ended up going home with some friends of ours from Church.  We knew from the beginning that Nico wouldn't be our forever dog, but it did make it a lot easier to say goodbye when we knew the family taking him.  They've re-named him Jasper, and it's been fun getting photos of how happy he is with the Crews family.

All told, we had Nico for just under three weeks.  Except for all the vet visits, he really was the perfect intro-dog for fostering.

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