Friday, July 7, 2017

Cruise ~ Day 7 ~ One more day at sea before we head home.

By day 7 we've pretty much reached our saturation point for sunshine and drunk people (and it was a little cold out), so we spent the bulk of the day right here:

One last night in the dining room, with our waiter Ikomang.
Did you know that in Bali they only have four first names and they give them in-order, so by the time you have your 5th child you start over again.  Men's names start with "I" and women start with "Ni", so you could have an IKomang and a NiKomang in the same family.  Then, each child is given a different last name, but most people are known by their first name (or a nick-name) so there can be a lot of confusion with names. Fascinating, no?

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