Thursday, May 29, 2014

These children are crazy.

These two are constantly keeping me on my toes.  Cecily's latest "favorite" trick is to head-butt me when I tell her something she doesn't like (which is often).  No matter how many times it happens, she always seems to catch me by surprise the first time.  So, if you happen to see me some day with a large shiner on my forehead, you'll know where it came from.

Cecily is also IN LOVE with her "baby", her favorite game is to play bedtime with Baby.  First Baby cries "wah, wah", we get Baby some "milk", then "bed", and "all done" (which means Baby is done with her nap), usually with several diaper changes thrown in for good measure.  It's all adorable, except for the 15 trips I have to take to the crib since Cecily isn't tall enough to put Baby in the crib, or get her back out, and apparently Baby can only sleep in the crib (a trick I'm sure she learned from all the other babies in our family).

We've been working with Parker to try & tame his tantrums a little bit.  He seems to go totally postal at the slightest provocation.  We haven't had much success at it, but recently, he's started saying "Oh Man!" when he's disappointed or frustrated.  It's adorable and far preferable to a 20-minute screaming fest.

Parker decided to go for the summer mohawk this year.  It was mostly my idea, and I was the one holding the clippers, so I don't have anyone else to blame, but it ended up a little more punk and a little less hipster than I was going for.  But he loves it, although he always gets shy whenever anyone tries to talk to him about it.

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