Monday, June 24, 2013

Well, that was a waste of a nap time

I've been wanting to make a change to my hair, but I'm not yet ready to chop it all off, since 90% of the time I have it in a pony tail.  So, I've been thinking about doing a red ombre on the tips.  That part of the hair is already destroyed from two pregnancies and this way if I hate it I'll just chop it all off.
So, here's the before:
And here's what I saw when I got out of the shower after 45 minutes of chemicals, waiting, & washing:

Not notably different, is it?  Keep in-mind that the box looked like this:
And it claimed that my color would look like this:

 It's marginally more red after being dried, but all-in-all a less than noticeable change:

Well, that was a colossal waste of time.  I think next time I'm just going to go for "Katy Perry Purple"
And, no joke, Cecily woke up from her nap as I was taking the above "after" photo.

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