Tuesday, May 14, 2013

You ever have one of those days?

Sunday afternoon, I asked Parker what he wanted to do on Monday, he said he wanted to "go to new gym and play basketball".  We haven't been to the gym for, umm, a while, so it seemed like a reasonable idea.  So, Monday morning, after we all got up, ate breakfast, used the potty, cleaned the kitchen, put Cecily down for a nap, cleaned up the living room, nursed the baby, changed the diaper, used the potty again, and got everyone buckled in the car (movin' like a herd of turtles in this family), we were ready to go!
Which is when Cecily started puking, over & over, all over herself, her Mama, and the car seat.  Three outfit changes later (for Cecily, I only had to change twice), we had the car seat in the washing machine and she was feeling fine.  (but she won't be taking the iron supplements again since this is her second puke-fest in under a week.)  Her brother, on the other hand, was not so happy, seeing how he'd been promised a trip to play basketball at the gym.  You try explaining to your 2-year-old that he can't go play basketball because his sister is vomiting, believe me, he will be FAR more concerned about the basketball than the comfort of his sister.
Finally, I appeased him by saying that we'd go to the park instead.  ...until I realized that we couldn't drive anywhere with the car seat in the washing machine.
So, we decided to walk to the park, it's about a 15-20 minute walk.  When we left the house, it was beautiful & sunny, by the time we were half-way there, it was drizzling, by the time we got to the park, it was full-on raining.  We had nearly gone out without a coat on, but at the last minute, Parker decided he needed a coat and took his ski parka for some random reason.  So, he was perfectly happy to play in the rain, but Cecily & I were getting cold & wet.  So, we started to walk home.  But...  I'd been planning to stop at the grocery store on the way home from the gym, so we had to make a "quick" stop at Central Market on the way home or we'd be having Cheerios for dinner.
We found our groceries, and as I'm paying I look out the window and we are in the middle of a MONSOON!  It is dark, stormy, & POURING rain outside.  One of the cashiers offered to help me drive my car up to the front of the store so we wouldn't get so wet loading the kids & groceries.  Quite helpful of him, had we driven, not walked.
So, all that to say, we had lunch at Central Market yesterday.  Parker is still wandering around saying "We go home when it stops raining"
And this is why you should never take your kids for a walk.


  1. Are you kidding?! This is exactly why we shouldn't have had kids in the first place!


  2. Oh, and I found out today that Kyla has to go on a temporary wheat-, corn-, neightshade-fast for a few weeks. And then Wesley threw up 3 times since dinner.


  3. HILARIOUS! (Though I'm quite sure it wasn't at the time...)
