Thursday, September 6, 2012

One Month!

Our baby girl is one month already!
I know everyone says this, but it's gone so fast.
Cecily's sleeping pretty well, with usually at least one 4-hour stretch at night.  The hardest part is waking her up for her meals.  Once she's no longer starving, she konks out and very little in the world will wake her long enough to finish her feeding.  Which is why I'm stuck stripping her naked at 3 am, and then wiping her down with the washcloth.
This could be part of why she's not growing quite fast enough.

The other reason could be the sheer volume of spit-up.  For the past two days, she & I both have had to change our clothes at least once due to regurgitated milk.  She's lucky my milk supply is better than it was last time, so I'd certainly be crying over spilled milk.

For the past two weeks, Cecily has had a terrible case of baby acne.  The crusty/scabby part seems to be getting a little better, but she's still pretty spotty at the moment.  I wish I'd scheduled our newborn family photos the first few days we were home from the hospital before it started, as it is, we might be taking her newborn photos when she's in college if I have to wait for the acne to go away.
She made her first cooing sounds yesterday.  She's seldom awake and not eating (or screaming because she'd like to be eating), but her happy awake moments are starting to get longer.

Parker still loves, loves, loves, his little sister, although I think that over the weekend he manifested his hidden jealousy by not sleeping, at all.

If you'd asked me how I was doing a few weeks ago, my response would have been, "Great, we're doing great, the 2nd is so much easier than the first!"  If you ask me this week, I'd probably say, (insert long pause) "We're good".  We really are doing quite well, but I think that the sleep deprivation and taking care of two kiddos is starting to pile up and I'd probably benefit from a few moments to myself for a good cry (and a cocktail).
None of which was helped by the great zoo fiasco of yesterday, but that's another blog post.

But, all-in-all, I love these two kiddos and I can't believe I'm lucky enough to have them.  I'll sleep when they're in college...and that's probably when I'll get to cleaning the bathroom as well.

 I love the way her little eyebrows go up when she's waking up (or when I'm attempting to wake her up during a feeding).  Parker did the same thing.

By the way, don't you love this little romper?  It's from Etsy, but I can tell I'm starting to get my feet back under me because I'm totally starting to think about where I could find similar fabric and make her a few more.

Cecily still prefers to sleep swaddled, but when she does fall asleep without the swaddle, her hands go straight up "over" her head...just like Mama (except I can actually reach the top of my head).


  1. It has gone by quickly! She is a very sweet bundle.

    Unfortunately, I have to tell you from experience that no one will buy a two-year-old who won't sleep. Sorry.

  2. Oh man, she's so so adorable! Is her hair red? Gorgeous.
    I love that romper, so cute. Have you tried coconut oil on her baby acne? That helped Ever's clear up right away and has worked well for quite a lot of our fiends!
