Thursday, November 30, 2017

Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me!

A few months ago, I saw on Facebook that WWDTM was coming to Seattle, I remember trying to get tickets last time, so I made sure to buy tickets as soon as they were available.  I went online 20 minutes after they were available, and they were about 85% sold-out, these were the best seats we could get at ANY COST.

But, if you squinted really hard, you could almost see the stage.  Before-hand we came up with our ideal panel (Paula Poundstone, Mo Rocca, and Maz Jobrani), unfortunately, we were 0 for 3, but the show still was really fun.

It's so crazy to finally see the people who's voices are in our kitchen every weekend.  It is also interesting to see the "back-stage" part of recording the show.  We were there for about 2 1/2 hours, which they will condense down to a 50-minute radio show (you can hear it here).  Some of the funniest moments didn't/couldn't make it into the broadcast.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Christmas Tree!

We went to our usual tree lot to get our tree this year, Dad, Kathy, & Jared came along as well.

The tree turned out a lot bigger than our norm.  We pulled it out to the road to be picked up by the truck, but Jared decided to carry it...but it turned out to be heavier than he anticipated too and he gave up about 20 feet from the car.

We stopped by Papa's house so the kids could read the comics.

It's WAY bigger than we realized...

...and perhaps a touch too tall, good thing we don't have a tree topper!

One strand of lights on:

All the lights we own on:

I think it took three trips to the store to finally get the thing full lit.

Thursday, November 23, 2017


Happy Thanksgiving!

This is the entirety of the photos I took.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Tiny Zoo - Visit #2

After visiting Diagon Alley, we headed over to the tiny zoo.

The Diagon Alley Project

The kids had a half-day before Thanksgiving, so we headed down to Ballard to finally visit the Diagon Alley Project.

Parker was Harry Potter for Halloween, so he has an awesome costume (that I made), but he refused to wear his scarf, he does, however, have the scar.

This place is incredible, it's just built into the driveway beside these people's house, but you feel like you're wandering down the movie set.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Mantel

I cleared out the mantel in preparation for Christmas decorating, Cecily has claimed it as her home.

Today's Project ~ I made a sign!

I posted a picture on Facebook and ended up making two more of these for my the third I think I finally figured out how to do it correctly!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Trip to the tiny zoo!

We made our first trip to the tiny zoo.  They have a new "photo op" section in a yurt with several sleds.

Cecily liked this sled, it's "Cecily sized"

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Today's Project ~ Family Name Sign

MONTHS ago, a friend sent me a photo of a sign and asked me if I could make one for her family.  I said sure, and then we forgot about it off & on for months.  They moved into their new home in November, so a house-warming gift seemed like a good enough reason to get going on it.

I wanted it to be black with yellow writing, so first I painted the whole thing yellow and put on the stickers.  

To be honest, I could have stopped right there and everyone would have been happy, but why do things the easy way if there's a harder way available?

Now, a coat of black:

Then, spend hours picking all the tiny stickers off, and it's done:

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Slumber party

We had some friends over for the evening and they got to stay for a slumber party...clearly everyone must sleep on the floor.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Salish Lodge

Last year, my Dad gave Keith & me a gift certificate for one (week) night at the Salish lodge, along with 2 spa treatments and breakfast for 2.

We forgot about it over the summer, but fortunately the kids had 2 days off in November, so we sent them to Grandma's and headed up to Snoqualmie.

It was so amazing!  Honestly, if we were independently wealthy, I don't know that we would have much a much fancier car or house, but I could totally see us spending much more time in luxury hotels.

We had a fireplace in our bedroom and there were fireplaces scattered all around the hotel.

We got engaged (almost) right here, (almost) 13 years ago!

...of course, we're off by a few weeks, and that gazebo is long gone, but whatever.

Since we were there, we had dinner in the hotel restaurant as well.

We've done brunch at the Salish a few times, it's one of our favorite Birthday/Anniversary spots.

Check out that million-dollar view! actually did clear up by the time we finished breakfast.


...clearly one of us is better at lining up our shots than the other.