Subtitle: Why do I even bother if they're going to rot on the phone?
Nov 11, 2013:
Nov. 12, 2013:
Dec. 20, 2013 (Snow Day with Fiona):
Jan. 2, 2014:
Jan. 27, 2014:
Feb. 6, 2014:
Parker's first day of PreSchool. I took him out for a doughnut after his first day, now every time I pick him up from "Pretty School" he asks for a doughnut.
Feb 17, 2014:
Mommy & Me at the Movies
Our MOPS group did a movie morning at the Edmonds theater, Keith was off that week, so Parker & I got to go together, then we went out for Starbucks after.
Feb 19, 2014:
All I remember about this trip to the park was that Parker was so cranky I almost left him there.
March 20, 2014:
Playing "naptime". It's one of their very favorite games right now. And they're on the coffee table, comfy, huh?