Monday, July 16, 2012

37 Weeks ~ I think we're ready

Keith's folks took Parker for the weekend.  So, in addition to going to the milk carton derby, seeing a movie, and going out for dinner, we finished up the last little details we had to do before the baby comes.

My bag is packed...

Parker's bag is packed...

All the bottles, binkies, etc. are clean & sterilized...

The nursery is ready...

We now have room for two kiddos in the car (sorry, no more passengers)...

The spare bedroom is ready for whomever we bless with our 2-am phone call...

And I am ready to pop.

Guess there's not much left to do but wait.

I have my 37 week appointment tomorrow.  I'm curious to see what the Dr. has to say.  I'd give even odds that he'll say either:
1. Just kidding, you've still got weeks to go. or:
2. Looks like you'll be having this baby tonight.

Honestly, I'm not at all sure which one I'm hoping for.  As much as I'd love to not be pregnant any more (and sleep on my back), there are a lot of things making me happy to stay how I am right now.  Since this is the last time we'll be going through this process, I'm trying to savor these last few days or weeks of pregnancy.  As hard & uncomfortable as this is, it has it's good points, so I've been working on a list of what I enjoy about pregnancy right now:
1. I'm actually warm ~ we went to a movie on Saturday, and I didn't even need a coat, that never happens.
2. No one cares that I have a big, blobby, belly.  In fact, the more weight I gain, the more people tell me how cute I am.  When else in life does that happen?
3. I get to feel my little one wiggling around in my tummy.  It's an un-earthly experience that can't be repeated anywhere else.
4. People let me cut in line for the bathroom all the time.
5. Everyone is super nice to pregnant ladies.  There's something hope-giving about a pregnant lady that makes everyone want to be around her and talk to her.  Of course, that means that you get to hear about the pregnancies (30 years ago) of perfect strangers at the bus stop, but they're all super friendly.
6. I can hog as much of the bed as I can fill and Keith's not allowed to complain about it.  Believe me, between me, the baby, and my giant body pillow, it's a wonder he doesn't land on the floor most nights, but no complaining from him.
7. I can be as lazy as I want.  Last weekend we were up at the cabin, I pretty much just sat in the chair while Keith & Katie did all the cooking & cleaning up and no one batted an eyelash about it.
8. This belly is a lot easier to carry around than that baby car seat.  I love the infant carrier, but they also weigh about 400 pounds once you put your 8-lb baby in them.
9. I don't have to worry if I'm feeding the baby enough or not enough, if I should let her keep sleeping or wake her up for a feeding, if I have enough milk, if I'll ever have enough milk, if she'll ever stop crying, etc.  Babies in-utero are actually pretty darn easy to take care of.
10. I don't have a newborn.  As excited as we are to meet this little girl, my only memories of the first few weeks with Parker are of me crying my eyes out constantly.  The longer I can push that off, the better, I say.

So, now we wait & see when this little one chooses to make her appearance.

And, just for a comparison, here's how I looked with Parker at 37 weeks, four weeks before he was born:

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